One of the most important contributions that CN Enterprises, Inc. brings to relationships is to instill confidence with Boards, Committees and Owners. Each Association’s concerns and projects are carefully reviewed and addressed with a sense of urgency and attention to detail.
We educate new and existing owners of the opportunity they have to participate in their Community as well as the responsibilities of the Board and CN Enterprises, Inc., in resolving their concerns. This approach helps to influence pride in their homes and their Communities. These methods reaffirm to the Community the extra efforts taken by their Board of Directors and CN Enterprises, Inc. in creating the unique and rewarding lifestyle they enjoy.
CN Enterprises, Inc. supports the Board of Directors by handling all of the day-to-day operations. We help the Board develop a philosophy for enforcement and identifying maintenance standards for each community. We help the Board of Directors formulate short and long-term goals and maintenance plans with the Community’s best interests in mind.